Ice Team University Recap
About a month ago, Alie and I were able to attend Ice Team University. I was humbled as Matt Johnson, The Ice Team Manager, asked me to lead

Alexandria Area Report: March Madness
How does that saying go.....If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb. Or in like a lamb and out like a lion. Something like

Hardwater Tournament Fishing
This past weekend had my partner Brian and I back in VT for stop #3 of the Champlain Valley Hardwater Tournament Series, Laphams Cove, Lake

Best bite coming
Now that we have gotten towards the end of the ice season, the fishing is getting better as each day passes. The fish are starting to feed m

New Body of Water, New Fish to Catch
Despite our best efforts, sometimes we get caught up in going to our old stomping grounds because they usually result in catches of fish. It

Last Qualifier of Tournament Series
With a scouting trip behind us, my tournament series friend, Steve, and I felt pretty good heading into the last qualifier of the West River

Been a Good Season
We were fortunate at having an early ice season this year with the cold temps and allowing us to fish many waters we haven’t been able to in

A weekend fishing around home
Well, old man winter sure doesn’t want to give a break from this cold snap that never seems to want to end. I guess that little Ground Hog m

Locate Before Drilling
If you are fortunate enough for not having snow on top of your ice, this gives you an option of finding fish before even drilling a hole to

Alexandria Area Report: Mid-Winter Panfish
Well, it's that time of the year that I call it the dog days of winter. Fish start to slow down and finding them isn't the problem,