Patterning Muskies
Muskies have many different patterns and can be found using different structures throughout the season.
Shallow Water Muskies
With water temps getting close to their peak, this also means a muskies metabolism is at its peak. This time of year, deep dwelling muskies
Above the Weeds
Summer fishing is almost in full gear, the waters have gotten to the 70’s, degree mark and that has the weeds growing very well. Fish are re
Bluegill Fun
One of the most fun fish to catch is the sunfish or bluegill. Their short body size is deceiving for how hard they fight, and those proporti
Coming Together for Springtime Crappie
Spring time brings life back into everything that we do in the outdoors, flowers and trees come to life, waters of our lakes start to warm,
Fishing with Dad and Crappies
My dad was pestering me as to when we were going crappie fishing on his favorite lake. So, I thought it would be a good day to take the boat
Rainy River "Dinosaur" Season is in full swing
A past weekend trip for HSM Staff members Colby Gallagher and Dusty Cartie, brought some nice fish into the boat with a total of 7 fish over
Trout Report
Are you waiting for the lakes to thaw? Not sure you want to play bumper boats on the river? Try trout fishing, you don’t even need a boat.
Lake Superior Adventure
Lake Superior is the largest body of freshwater water in the United States. With numerous tributary rivers and lots of deep cold water, supe
Foul Hooked; On South Dakota Salmon
Living in South Dakota I've gotten to experience a fishing opportunity that isn't available in most states, which is snagging Chinook...