Twin Ports Ice Fishing

Happy Holidays!
We are seeing ice conditions in the Twin Ports, anywhere from 4-8". Some inland lakes are starting to see snowmobiles and ATVs, however, anglers are encouraged to check ice for themselves and not rely on reports, etc.
Fishing has been excellent as early ice always seems to be a good bite.
Lake Superior still has a ways to go for ice in the Ashland area. There is about 5" most areas on the Ashland side, but Washburn to Bayfield remains open water.

St Louis River has walkable ice of most areas. Walleyes are being caught using a plethora of approaches. Key is to drill holes and wait patiently in 4-10 feet of water has been best. Use a Buck Shot Flutter Spoon by Northland Fishing Tackle topped with a minnow head has turned most fish.
Inland lakes are doing well too. Small jigs with soft plastics jigging over drop offs are doing well for crappies with dead sticks with Venom floats and crappie minnows are also producing. Don't forget to set tip-ups of weed edges for Pike as they are on a tear.
Now that we are into ice fishing season, it goes without saying, be safe out there!!!
Merry Xmas from all of us at HGS