Locate Before Drilling

If you are fortunate enough for not having snow on top of your ice, this gives you an option of finding fish before even drilling a hole to fish in. Especially, if there is a layer of water on top of the ice, this will help the matters at locating fish.

If the ice is clear, no snow layers in the thickness or few air bubbles in the ice, you will be able to shoot the transducer’s signal through the ice and this allows you to see the fish before you even drill a hole.
By placing the Vexilar transducer flat on the ice, with a layer of water underneath it, the signal coming back, will show you if there are fish below, if you aren’t seeing any, pick up the transducer and move a bit further.
This allows you to locate the fish before even drilling a hole and in turn, saving you time in locating the fish you are looking for.
Most times that you on the ice, you aren’t fortunate at having these conditions, but when they present themselves, taking full advantage of this will put you onto the fish in a quicker manner.