Spring Walleyes

With warm weather pushing into Sunset Country this week, we decided to take the opportunity to target some spring walleyes on Rainy Lake.
We found a decent concentration of fish holding on main lake structure in 28-32 FOW. The only issue was with the unstable weather, they were super picky.
The Vexilar FLX-28 put me on point when a fish showed up, then it was a game of cat and mouse trying to convince that wary walleye to bite. Several fell for the Northland Glo-Shot Spoon, which has become a staple for me this hard water season.

In all, it was a great couple days fishing with family on the lake making great memories.
I believe that the fish are beginning to transition to their spawning grounds and I’d target a river mouth the next time.
We have a solid 3 feet of ice yet in Sunset Country, but that will change fast, so be safe and always check the conditions for yourself.