Fishing with Dad and Crappies

75 degrees
Wind 15-20mph
Water temp 60 degrees

My dad was pestering me as to when we were going crappie fishing on his favorite lake. So, I thought it would be a good day to take the boat out for its first trip of the year.
But we went to a different lake that I knew would warm up faster in certain areas. We tried a few spots that I have found them in the past but nothing. Water temp was 54 and fish just weren’t there yet.
Decided to try one last spot and boy did it pay off! Found a nice little channel that was 3-4 ft deep that warmed to 61 degrees and was loaded with fish.

Caught at least 150 crappies, not all were big, but it was nonstop action for a few hours. Northland Fire Fly Jig with Gulp Minnows was the ticket. I knew we had caught a lot of fish when my dad said “ok, I’m ready to go” and we were still catching 12-inch crappies lol.