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Trying for Stripers

Living near the coast, we have options for our fishing, between the freshwater and saltwater. When summer is in full swing, makes the decision of which to do that much tougher.

Now that we have a boat dedicated to saltwater, we can get out and do more searching instead of surf casting. Even though we have lived here for several years, still find it very challenging trying to figure out the salt life.

The areas that we have been targeting are deeper channels that are in between the shallower flats. Using the tides current, allows you to drift through these deep channels in hopes of catching some striped bass.

Lures haven’t been productive for us yet, while long lining clams and mackerel chunks have produced a few short fish. To be able to keep a fish they must be 28 inches long and so far, we have only gotten up to 22 inches long.

Even these shorter fish put up quite a fight and makes you want to get into one of those big fish. Time spent on the water is the best education that you can get and the more that we can get out there, allows us to learn at a quicker pace.

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